Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Lesson 4: Advanced Spreadsheet Skills

This lesson talks more about Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program for editing information in a tabulated form. It focuses more on handling numbers. For formulas and functions, there's a rule called Rule of Precedence. A handy mnemonic devide for this is PEMDAS. 

Listed below are the formulas used in Microsoft Excel:

=Sum(range) – compute the total of all items in the specified range.
=Average(range) – get the average of the items in a range.
=Count(range) – count the values found in the range.
=Max(range) – get the largest value within the range.
=Min(range) – get the smallest value within the range.
=COUNTIF (range, criteria) - used to count the cells with specified content within a range.
=SUMIF (range, criteria) - used to compute for the summation of a range if a certain condition is met.
=AVERAGEIF (range, criteria) - used to compute for the average of a range if a certain condition is met.

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