Friday, February 22, 2019

Lesson 9: Interactive Multimedia

This lesson tackles about interactive multimedia, it's uses, and it's contents. Interactive media is anything that allows the user to use media for different purposes like games, education, etc. There's a wide range of contents the multimedia have. You can play different online games, take a test, or listen to series of inspirational talks through podcast. In this lesson, we are taught how to embed a YouTube video in a blog like the one inserted above. 

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Lesson 8: Collaborative ICT Development

This lesson talks more about different online tools that individuals can use together with their group mates. With the help of these tools, you and your group mates don't need to be physically together to accomplish a task. Examples include Facebook groups (group page that you can use to communicate with other people), WordPress (many people can put content in a single blog), G Suite (includes different softwares that Google offers like Gmail etc.), Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides (softwares offered by Google that is similar to Microsoft programs), Microsoft office online (people can work on different files online), Yammer (sharing and managing content), and Trello (online to-do checklist)

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Lesson 7: Online Platforms as Tools for ICT Content and Development
This lesson focuses on the different online platforms that we can use. Online platforms are platforms using internet technology. It is used to share and create information that other people can access online. It also has different materials and uses that can be customized according to what the users want and need. 

Examples of online platforms are social media (creates virtual communities), blogging (content and design), presentations/visualizations (communicate information clearly), cloud computing (store data online), web page creation (creating web pages), files management (storing and organizing files), and mapping (easily locate a location). 

Lesson 6: Imaging and Design for Online Environment

This lesson talks more about layouts, designs, graphics, and formats online. 

The basic principles of graphics and layout includes the following: Balance, Emphasis, Movement, Pattern, Repetition, and Rhythm, Proportion, and Variety.  

There's also some online image hosting platforms that you can use to upload and share images. Examples of this includes Instagram, Google Photos, Dropbox, etc. 

This lesson also tackles about infographics. Infographics is used to present information in a graphical manner. The image below is an example of an infographics that I made from Piktochart.

Lesson 5: Advanced Presentation Skills

This lesson talks about presentation software. A presentation software like Microsoft Powerpoint is a software that allows users to create their own and customized visual aids for presentations and reportings. Microsoft Powerpoint uses slides to present and convey information and data. 

In creating an effective presentation, you should remeber the following: Minimize, Clarity, Simplicity, Visuals, Consistency, and Contrast. 

There's also some key terms to remember like slides (single page of a presentation), design template (designs that you can apply to your slides), animations (effects for texts), transitions (effects for slides), hyperlink (allows you to jump from one location to another), and slide show (F5 to display slide show and Shift+F5 to display current slide).

Lesson 4: Advanced Spreadsheet Skills

This lesson talks more about Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet program for editing information in a tabulated form. It focuses more on handling numbers. For formulas and functions, there's a rule called Rule of Precedence. A handy mnemonic devide for this is PEMDAS. 

Listed below are the formulas used in Microsoft Excel:

=Sum(range) – compute the total of all items in the specified range.
=Average(range) – get the average of the items in a range.
=Count(range) – count the values found in the range.
=Max(range) – get the largest value within the range.
=Min(range) – get the smallest value within the range.
=COUNTIF (range, criteria) - used to count the cells with specified content within a range.
=SUMIF (range, criteria) - used to compute for the summation of a range if a certain condition is met.
=AVERAGEIF (range, criteria) - used to compute for the average of a range if a certain condition is met.

Lesson 3: Advanced Word Processing Skills

Lesson 3 talks more about the use of mail merge and other functions of Microsoft Word. 

Mail merge is a process to create multiple personalized letters. It has two components: Form Document (contains the main body of the message) and List or Data File (individual information or data is placed).

I've learned to make my own resume. The picture below is an example of resume.


Microsoft Word also has other materials like shapes, pictures, clip art, smart art, chart, and screenshot seen in the insert tab.

There are also image placements that can be used in Microsoft Word. Those are In Line With Text, Square, Through, Tight, Top and Bottom, Behind Text, and In Front of Text.


Lesson 10: ICT as Platform for Change This lesson talks about the impact and role of ICT in history, specifically in the Philippines. In the events stated i...